Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

With this year’s $1 billion infusion into the Technology Modernization Fund – and possibly more funding on the way – government agencies have the unique opportunity to get their workforce up to speed on the latest tools and technologies available. But what resources exist to help government leaders meet the workforce education mission? […]

If you’re ready to invest a couple hours of time and focus, then UniversIT is ready to deliver to you the latest information on artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and military internet of things (IoMT) for government technology applications. Plus a few fringe benefits: you’ll never see a bill for our classes, and there’s no need to hike across campus in the summer heat. […]

A collection of up-to-date IT training courses is now at your fingertips at MeriTalk UniversIT, an online library helping professionals expand their knowledge in key areas of government IT. Users have access to six different courses focused on digitally transforming in the era of telework, cultivating a culture for security and innovation, leveraging next-gen technologies to further the mission, and more. […]


UniversIT, MeriTalk’s online library of training courses offering 20-minute complimentary education opportunities to IT pros across the spectrum, opens the doors to its newest course, Dive into Data Lakes: Centralized Data Enables Mission Success. […]
