Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) technology budget is vast. At just over $4 billion, it exceeds most Federal agencies’ technology budgets, and in some cases, dwarfs entire operational budgets. […]

The Senate voted on Monday to confirm Robert Wilkie as Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary by a vote of 86-9, solidifying top leadership at VA in the midst of ongoing change and uncertainty at the second-largest Federal agency. […]

The House Veterans’ Affairs Committee today officially approved the creation of a new Technology Modernization Subcommittee to oversee the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Electronic Health Record (EHR) modernization and other major IT projects. […]

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will be under new management. The ouster of former secretary David Shulkin was a slow burn, not unlike the process to approve an Electronic Health Records (EHR) system that will satisfy the government’s cybersecurity and interoperability demands. […]

The on-again, off-again story of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ $642 million commercial scheduling system is not only back on track, but is likely part of a larger movement by the department to finally adopt a commercial electronic health record system. […]

After years of development and hundreds of millions of dollars spent, the Department of Veterans Affairs is balking at the idea of replacing its flawed scheduling system with a commercial alternative. Yes, even after a major scandal involving deliberate manipulation of the scheduling system that led to the deaths of veterans, VA thought it was appropriate to tackle the development themselves. […]
