The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is seeking robotics process automation (RPA) to reduce its electronic health record (EHR) backlog, reduce manual tasks, and increase the traceability of VA’s program.
The automation solution would be integrated throughout the VA healthcare community under the Mission Act, including the VISTA and Cerner Millennium platforms. “The automation solution must be scalable to satisfy new and increased workloads, throughput, and digital exchange capacities,” a July 8 request for information (RFI) states. “It is essential that any proposed solution include the necessary end user training which may include user guides tailored to the VA use case.”
By automating the scanning process, VA wrote that the proposed solution would also be able to correct mistakes on inbound documents, identify duplicates, and index documents into the EHR system. Documents that cannot be processed through the automated solution would be flagged for human intervention. The platform would also provide metrics that help with future remediation of problems and planning.
Success of the program will be measured by the total number of documents processed in a specific time frame, the number of documents that require human intervention, the percentage of documents accurately index, and other criteria.
VA is accepting responses to the RFI through July 30.