The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) is looking for industry partners to support its efforts to build exemplar zero-trust architectures that meet the standards set out by NCCoE’s parent organization, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

The request for collaborators, released October 21, calls for interested parties to join both the zero-trust community of interest and to participate more deeply by conducting the work needed to make the demonstration happen.

“This project addresses the challenge of implementing a zero trust architecture through collaborative efforts with industry and the information technology (IT) community, including vendors of IT components and service providers,” NCCoE stated in a press release.

The end result of the demonstration will be an example architecture that shows how agencies and organizations can follow the guidelines set out by NIST SP 800-207. Interested parties will need to show how their expertise maps to the documentation.

“This project will result in a publicly available NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guide as a Special Publication 1800 series, a detailed implementation guide describing the practical steps needed to implement a cybersecurity reference implementation,” the notice states.

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