In its September 2020 President’s Management Agenda (PMA) update, the Department of Labor (DOL) described several key leadership changes on its enterprise-wide shared services initiative.
As a part of DOL’s transition of its human resources, IT, procurement, and personnel security services to a shared services model, the department changed leadership of several efforts to new offices. The Office of Labor-Management Standards and Office of Secretary for Administration and Management’s IT functions were transitioned to the Office of the CIO. As a part of its IT services transition, DOL is also meeting its discovery and analysis transition phases on its shared services planning timeline.
Through its IT transition, the department aims to meet 99 percent of scheduled network availability goals, resolve 95 percent of tickets affecting one user in less than eight hours, and achieve a 95 percent enterprise service desk customer satisfaction index score.
All procurement functions were transitioned to the new Office of the Senior Procurement Executive, and all personnel security functions were transitioned to the Security Center Division of Personnel Security and Suitability.
DOL hopes to reduce the average number of days to submit a background security investigation request to 14 days through its personnel security efforts. Through procurement shared services, the agency is aiming for $247 million in cumulative addressable spend through best in class solutions, $726 million in cumulative common spend under management, and award 35 percent of its contracts to small businesses.
On its human resource shared services initiative, DOL’s goal is to increase the hiring manager satisfaction index score to 85 percent and reduce its average number of days to hire a new employee to 80 days. For senior executive service employees, the goal is 90 days from closing date of vacancy announcement.
“Streamlining the delivery of administrative functions will allow the department to leverage economies of scale; gain managerial oversight and operational efficiencies to more rapidly implement government-wide directives; more effectively enforce legislation, regulation, and policies; and strategically plan for customer needs,” the agency wrote of its shared services goals.
DOL is on track to develop and implement service-level agreements and performance metrics for all its shared services models by the end of Fiscal Year 2020.