The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) on Nov. 4 explained several upcoming FY2020 and beyond industry contract awards for information technology (IT) projects and initiatives at its Forecast to Industry 2019 event. Among the contracts in the pipeline:
- Mobility Device Management and Mobility Application Management system. DISA said its acquisition strategy is to be determined. It expects to issue a request for proposals (RFP) in the second quarter of FY2020, and an award in the fourth quarter of FY2020.
- Commercial Ethernet Gateways – contracts to replace point-to-point legacy circuits with Ethernet Virtual Circuits using commercial service provider networks. DISA has broken up the work into 12 regions in the U.S., with a single RFP for each region, and a single award per region. The RFP for the first region was released in the fourth quarter of FY2019, and RFPs for regions 2 through 11 are expected to be released in the first and second quarters of FY2020. Contract awards will be made through the first quarter of FY2021.
- Lifecycle systems engineering for the Defense Information Systems Network (DISN). DISA expects to issue a request for quotation (RFQ) in the third quarter of FY2020, and a contract award in the first quarter of FY2021. DISN said it aims to collaborate with mission partners and commercial industry “to leverage the latest technologies” in order to meet mission partner requirements efficiently and effectively.
- DoD Information Network (DODIN) Implementation Support discussed a task order that will serve as the “vehicle for contractor-provided turnkey solutions and implementations in order to efficiently deliver a complete, active and operational service,” and will include “Project Management, Engineering, Site Surveys, Logistics Support, Implementation, Test/Turn-up, De-installation, Configuration Management, and Transition support.” An RFP release date is to be determined, and an award is expected in the first quarter of FY2021.
- Under the heading of Fourth Estate Network Optimization, DISA Defense Enclave Services (DES) expects to establish a single ordering method for all Fourth Estate commodity hardware and software. It expects to issue an RFQ in the first quarter of FY2020, and an award in the second quarter of FY2020. DES also expects to contract for a managed single service provider for all Fourth Estate commodity IT. It expects to issue an RFQ in the first quarter of FY2021 and make an award in the first quarter of FY2022.
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