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- MeriTalk recognized 17 Federal agencies for their excellence in IT during the FITARA Awards ceremony at Tech Tonic on Thursday evening, with Federal chief information officers (CIOs) taking home awards to celebrate their success on the 18th edition of the FITARA Scorecard.
- VA Plans to Resume EHR Rollout in Michigan in Mid-2026
- Space Force Celebrates 5 Years, Sets Sights on Expanding Force
- Senate Bill Seeks to Create AI Safety Review Office in Commerce
- GAO: IRS Direct File Pilot a Success, But Needs Tweaks, Broader Rollout
- White House Economic Advisor Touts Chip Supply Chain Success
- DoD Taps Bernys to Lead Cyber Crime Center
- House Democrats today chose Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va. – one of the most influential members of Congress on Federal government technology and workforce issues – as the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee when the 119th Congress begins its work in January.
- The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) needs to update its AI risk assessment guidance for agencies that protect critical infrastructure, as a new report reveals that DHS’s initial guidance didn't have agencies fully measure how much harm an attack could cause, or gauge the probability of an attack.
With growing cyber threats from abroad targeting critical infrastructure and a push to bolster cybersecurity for the U.S. presidential election, it is more important than ever for agencies to be locked down from foreign hacks.
- As current authorities for the government to intercept and track unauthorized drones are set to expire on Friday, Dec. 20, Federal agencies are urging Congress to enact counter-drone legislation.