Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

With information from the Department of Agriculture’s new database, a person walking through the grocery store can use their phone to look up how many calories are in their cart. Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture, announced the Branded Food Products Database, an open data partnership. […]

Worldwide, 800 million people suffer from starvation every day, according to a blog post from the U. S. Department of Agriculture website. With the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition Summit, USDA plans to address this problem. […]

The U.S. Department of Agriculture received a C grade on its Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act scorecard, which was released in May. Flip Anderson, acting executive director of FITARA for USDA, was so frustrated with the FITARA grading system that he created his own scorecard to gauge how closely the USDA complies with the act’s mandates. […]

The Agriculture Department’s Flip Anderson is the only known agency-level FITARA director–an indicator of both the level of importance USDA has assigned to the new law and the resources necessary to manage the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act compliance correctly. […]

MeriTalk’s regular new feature, a Q&A with prominent IT leaders, focuses this time on Dr. Michael Valivullah, CTO of the National Agricultural Statistics Service and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. […]
