The Federal Data Strategy brought to the fore an issue that is critical to government technology missions – the urgent need to know what employees can do. Only by gaining accurate and timely knowledge of employee skill sets can Federal agencies fully accomplish their increasingly complex missions and better serve the public. In a recent interview with MeriTalk, Tony Holmes, public sector practice lead for solutions architects at Pluralsight, discusses how Federal organizations can gain this vital knowledge of employee skills in a workplace increasingly transformed by artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies. […]

The AI EO: How Federal Agencies Can Achieve Its Ambitious Goals

While the news bread is still not quite baked on this one, check us out next week for all the details on new research from MeriTalk and Pluralsight that shows what Federal government cybersecurity leaders need to succeed in the ever changing cyber landscape. […]

The Federal government is facing a workforce crisis, especially with skilled technology talent. Retention, recruitment, and retirement issues are hindering hiring managers, who are looking to fill critical open roles in order to meet mission objectives and new Federal mandates. MeriTalk recently sat down with Craig McCullough, senior vice president for public sector at Pluralsight, a technology workforce development company, to discuss how the government can overcome the skills gap by creating talent and building a culture of learning within Federal agencies. […]

workforce federal workers industry-min

One of the biggest challenges facing Federal government agencies is recruiting and retaining
skilled IT workers. Providing employees with the right kind of technical training can help solve both
problems. […]

While figures vary across industry and government as to the size of the “phishing-prone” population in any organization, both sides agree that sustained internal employee training efforts are necessary to cut the success rate of spear-phishing exploits down to more manageable levels. […]
