Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

How long does it take to finally kill off one of the mainstays of 1970s-era records storage technology and in the process double the size of a Federal regulatory agency’s primary records database while vastly improving the accessibility and usefulness of the data contained within it? If you ask David Nelson, chief information officer (CIO) at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the answer is just shy of four years. […]


A small number of Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff began to return to work at the agency’s offices on June 15 in the first phase of a three-part re-opening plan, according to an NRC spokesperson. […]

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is considering a cloud-based solution to improve its Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Management Information System, according to a May 12 request for information (RFI). […]

Sen Ben Cardin, D-Md., today asked leadership of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for a “game plan” on workforce stabilization and recruiting after discussing with agency officials the steady reduction of headcount at NRC as the agency’s budget has declined in recent years. […]

David Nelson, chief information officer of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, said Wednesday at ATARC’s Cloud & Data Center Summit that technology providers are using outdated talking points when describing the attitudes of CIOs in the Federal government, and called upon vendors to assist government leaders, instead of discussing the shortcomings in their agencies. […]

Over the past 10 years, agencies have made minimal use of their special government employees who do not serve on Federal boards, according to a recent Government Accountability Office report. However, the report also states that not all of these SGEs’ assignments have been reliably documented. […]

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission awarded Salient CRGT a task order with a two-year contract for roughly $1.44 million to provide the agency with Master Data Management and Enterprise Data Exchange services. Maureen Conley, NRC public affairs officer, said, “This project utilizes a private cloud, not a FedRamp compliant service.” […]
