Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Officials at the Library of Congress, the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO), and the Smithsonian Institution are looking to leverage AI technologies to ease pain points for their employees and more efficiently deliver government services. […]

The rise of generative AI has sparked a widespread public debate about what this emerging tool may mean for the future of the creative industry. With the lack of concrete AI regulations from Capitol Hill, significant questions have been posed for the future of the nation’s copyright system.  […]

The Library of Congress is looking to award a contract of up to $450 million to support the “planning, design, development, integration, and maintenance of Library IT systems and software applications,” according to the Dec. 1 solicitation. […]

HUD Urban Development
Federal Cloud Flag

The Library of Congress (LOC) is looking to build on experimental processes that expand digital access to the library’s collections by combining a human component to its computational methods – known as human-in-the-loop approaches. […]

Federal Cloud Flag

The Library of Congress is modernizing its IT and taking a hybrid cloud approach to its storage infrastructure, agency leaders told senators during a November 7 hearing of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee. […]

Bernard Barton, chief information officer of the Library of Congress, is challenging American coders to bring the centuries-old information stored by the library into the digital era. The challenge, which will launch later this year, asks coders to submit ideas for modernizing the public’s access to the Library of Congress’ data. […]
