Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Treasury Department contact centers are spending 80,000 hours each year on calls that should not have required human interaction, according to Management and Program Analyst Jennifer Hill, but now the agency is using employee and citizen feedback to find emerging tech that can fix that. […]

General Services Administration GSA

The General Services Administration (GSA) is looking to industry for advice on how the agency can share and spread human centered design (HCD) practices across the Federal government, as noted in a request for information released today. […]

DOJ Department of Justice

Department of Justice Chief Technology Officer Ron Bewtra stressed the need for modernization and human-centered design to help Federal IT adjust to disruptive technologies while better serving agency missions and those who depend on them. […]

Customer Experience CX

For agencies looking to score a touchdown with their customer experience, the General Services Administration (GSA) released its Customer Experience Playbook today, offering “a synthesis of ideas gathered from interviewing several subject matter experts and leaders in CX and Human Centered Design in government.” […]
