Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Federal CIO Clare Martorana today laid out her vision for civilian government-wide Federal IT improvements that match up broadly with many of the larger goals outlined in projects and spending priorities announced earlier this month for the recent $1 billion cash infusion into the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF). In her first extended public policy address […]

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Cybersecurity cyber

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), in collaboration with the Federal CIO Council’s architecture subgroup, released a draft report on zero-trust architectures and the use cases and deployment models where zero-trust can improve cybersecurity. […]

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The last politically appointed agency-level chief information officer will leave his post April 15. Rob Klopp, the CIO of the Social Security Administration, had been asked by the Trump administration to remain in the post temporarily to provide continuity at a critical time for the agency. […]

Cloud computing has become virtually synonymous with IT modernization throughout the Federal government. But the government’s cloud record has been anything but consistent and predictable, making the effort to measure progress and plan for IT modernization efforts called for by Congress and the Trump administration nearly impossible. […]
