Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

David McKeown, who last month took on the title of special assistant for cybersecurity innovation at the Defense’s Department’s Office of the CIO, said this week he’s trying to expedite the timeline for vendor applications through the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP), and is eyeing a three-month window for that process. […]

Pentagon Military Defense DoD

While the Pentagon continues to build its cybersecurity capabilities, not everyone within the agency’s departments is prioritizing meeting cybersecurity standards, said David McKeown, the Department of Defense’s (DoD) senior information security officer and deputy chief information officer, on Friday.     […]

Pentagon Military Defense DoD

As cyber threats evolve at lightning speed, Defense Department (DoD) Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) David McKeown unveiled his top ten cyber priorities, with cryptographic modernization (CM), zero trust, and defense industrial base (DIB) cybersecurity at the top of the list. […]

The Department of Defense (DoD) expects around 80,000 Defense Industrial Base (DIB) contractors will need a third-party assessment to reach Level 2 compliance for the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certificate (CMMC) 2.0 program – double the previously estimated number of companies. […]

Pentagon Military Defense DoD

The Department of Defense’s (DoD) Cybersecurity Maturation Model Certification (CMMC) program is in the process of being rolled out to every contract in the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) over the next five years, and the program is expected to help organizations implement Zero Trust practices, Katie Arrington, the Pentagon’s CISO for acquisition and sustainment, said May 5. […]
