Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
contract acquisition CFO

Drones, facial recognition technology, and autonomous vehicles are a few of the technologies that the human capital team at the Department of Homeland Security is considering when hiring these days.  […]

GSA General Services Administration

The General Services Administration’s (GSA) adoption of robotic process automation (RPA) technologies is progressing at a measured but steady pace, and the official heading the agency’s efforts said on Wednesday he is hoping that some of those efforts prove to be “home runs” that will help spur further adoption. […]

Rod Turk, the Commerce Department’s acting CIO who will be retiring next month, said in a wide-ranging discussion today that the Federal government is approaching the “tipping point” in its IT modernization efforts, and that requirements put in place in recent years to strengthen the hand of Federal CIOs in pushing modernization are resulting in less “rogue” tech projects at agencies. […]

Three members of the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) board and Federal Deputy CIO Margie Graves spoke today about fund’s ongoing efforts including the transferable effect of some of the board’s decision principles and how they tie into the larger IT modernization ecosystem. […]
