Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Officials at the General Services Administration (GSA) have started internal discussions on the impact that pandemic-driven employee telework may have on longer-term uses of government office buildings and other facilities, said Beth Anne Killoran, GSA’s Deputy CIO, at an August 26 event organized by Association for Federal Information Resources Management (AFFIRM). […]

Federal money spending government

The board that reviews Federal agency applications for project funding provided by the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) has been highly selective with the applications it receives and has sent most applicants back to the drawing board to improve their requests, said one of the board members at the AGA/AFFIRM CFO/CIO Summit held on May 7. […]

The recent Office of Management and Budget agency reform plan will have a positive impact on government acquisitions, according to government officials who spoke at the Association for Federal Information Research Management’s speaker series. […]
