Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
General Services Administration GSA

The General Services Administration has named its 2021 cohort of Presidential Innovation Fellows (PIF) who will embark on year-long stints with the Federal government with the mission of jumpstarting technology solutions across data science, design, engineering, product, and systems disciplines. […]


The General Services Administration’s 18F office has released “de-risking” guides to help agencies deliver successful IT projects on both the Federal and state levels. 18F, which is part of GSA’s Technology Transformation Services (TTS) organization, partners with Federal agencies to assist them in improving the user experience of government services by helping agencies build and buy technology. […]

GSA General Services Administration

The General Services Administration (GSA) on October 7 released a request for information for vendors and other interested parties on “resource-efficient technologies that improve commercial building health and resilience.” […]

General Services Administration GSA

The House on Sept. 30 approved the Modernization Centers of Excellence Program Act, a bill introduced earlier this year by Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., that would require the General Services Administration’s Technology Transformation Services group to establish a Modernization Centers of Excellence (CoE) “to facilitate the adoption of modern technology by executive agencies.” […]


General Services Administration (GSA) CIO David Shive and Government Accountability Office Director of IT and Cybersecurity Kevin Walsh agreed that the FITARA scorecard is meeting its intended goals, but detailed specific improvements like the addition of a Technology Business Management (TBM) score to boost its effectiveness. […]

The Federal government has been designating more Quality Service Management Offices (QSMOs) across agencies to streamline its approach to shared services, and General Services Administration (GSA) Administrator Emily Murphy and Deputy Federal CIO Maria Roat are saying that both current and future QSMOs are taking a customer-centric approach to their duties. […]


The General Services Administration’s (GSA) Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) is in the early stages of efforts to set up an authoritative source for identification verification of U.S. citizens, but is approaching the process in careful and deliberate steps to encourage and maintain the public’s trust in the process, a GSA official said on Sept. 10. […]

GSA General Services Administration

The General Services Administration (GSA) released a draft of the Data Ethics Framework – part of the Federal Data Strategy action plan – earlier this week detailing Fed standards for using data appropriately and government use cases. […]


Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., released a statement today on the General Services Administration (GSA) Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) report that found the Public Buildings Service (PBS) did not always receive timely notice of positive COVID-19 test results from building occupants or provide timely notification of positive COVID-19 cases. […]


Officials at the General Services Administration (GSA) have started internal discussions on the impact that pandemic-driven employee telework may have on longer-term uses of government office buildings and other facilities, said Beth Anne Killoran, GSA’s Deputy CIO, at an August 26 event organized by Association for Federal Information Resources Management (AFFIRM). […]

The General Services Administration is well-known for its work implementing tech solutions across the Federal government, but a GSA official this week praised the work being done at the municipal level to provide 5G services in cities across the country. […]

General Services Administration GSA
Pentagon Military Defense DoD

Dr. Jane Pinelas, Chief of Testing, Evaluation, and Assessment at the Defense Department’s Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, said on August 12 that the Centers of Excellence engagement between JAIC and the General Services Administration is paying dividends at the organization’s product testing needs ramp up. […]

The U.S. Web Design Systems’ (USWDS) maturity model is focused on making it easier for Federal entities to build accessible, mobile-friendly websites for the American public. […]

Federal government IT and its ability to deliver vital services to citizens is often said to be one of the few notably bipartisan issues left in Congress, and that sentiment was on clear display as the House Government Operations Subcommittee unveiled its tenth FITARA Scorecard at a public hearing on August 3. […]

General Services Administration GSA

The General Services Administration (GSA) announced the completion of the second phase of its Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) consolidation and has now begun its third and final phase. […]

capitol washington dc senate house congress-min

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee approved by voice vote today several tech-related legislative measures including S. 4200, which would direct the General Services Administration (GSA) to establish an IT modernization Centers of Excellence (CoE) program that would facilitate adoption of modern technology by executive branch agencies. […]

General Services Administration GSA
GSA General Services Administration

Jim Russo, technical director of the Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) program at the General Services Administration (GSA), and Sean Connelly, program manager of Trusted Internet Connections at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA), reflected this week on the continuous benefits of the EIS vehicle, and explained what each agency brought to the proposal. […]

General Services Administration GSA

Bob DeLuca, who recently began as deputy CIO of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), will be returning to the General Services Administration (GSA) as acting Technology Transformation Service (TTS) director and the deputy Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) commissioner on detail. […]

GSA General Services Administration

Since completing phase one of its multiple award schedules (MAS) consolidation initiative in October 2019, the General Services Administration (GSA) has progressed into phase two during the first two quarters of Fiscal Year 2020. […]

The General Services Administration (GSA) attributes the FedRAMP program’s success to building a culture that prioritizes continuous improvement, and aims to continue program growth through its recently launched FedRAMP Agency Liaison Program. […]

On July 2, Sens. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, and Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., introduced bipartisan legislation to accelerate emerging technology adoption by Federal agencies and expand upon the AI in Government Act which codifies an AI Center of Excellence (CoE) within the General Services Administration (GSA). […]

General Services Administration GSA

The General Services Administration (GSA) has issued the solicitation for the 8(a) STARS III Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC), which is part of its process for making it easier for small businesses from different socioeconomic categories to work with the Federal government on IT acquisition projects. […]

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