Data Center Dynamics is a global B2B media and publishing company that develops products to help senior professionals in the world’s most ICT dependent organizations make risk-based infrastructure and capacity decisions. […]

Agency CIOs are under pressure to support and maintain data centers hosting mission critical applications vital to keeping Americans safe – all with reduced appropriations and unfunded mandates. With strict limitations on IT spending and the construction of new data centers, how are CIOs strategizing to optimize facilities and meet the latest requirements of FDCOI and FITARA? […]

Federal agencies are looking to modular approaches to data center transformation. Why? They have the potential to fast track funding approval and offer speed of deployment. What additional benefits can agencies gain from a modular approach to data center optimization? Which agencies are embracing this approach that others across government can learn from? What supporting technologies make this approach attractive for successful transformation? […]

The Data Center Optimization Initiative (DCOI) asks agencies to conserve energy…or else. FITARA demands agencies justify dollars spent and show ROI….or else. The message is clear: meet the mandate…or else. Luckily, mission critical data center optimizations and upgrades can be funded without the need for additional appropriations and there are solid, proven alternatives – energy savings, service models, and more. […]