The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) filed an unfair labor practice complaint against the Department of Defense (DoD) on behalf of the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA), alleging that the Pentagon neglected its duty to consult with the union on 1,200 IT personnel transfers to the Defense Information Services Agency (DISA).
“The Department of Defense has clearly violated the law by failing to notify AFGE of this proposal and not allowing the union to provide our views and recommendations regarding these proposed changes and the impact they could have on the employees we represent,” AFGE National President J. David Cox Sr. said in a press release.
DCMA employees first received transfer notice on April 12 to DISA, and AFGE argues that it “learned of the larger, departmentwide IT consolidation plan through discussions with DCMA management and published news reports.”
When an agency decides to change the working or employment conditions of DCMA workers significantly, the agency must consult union officials on the decisions being made, according to Title 5 of the U.S. Code, the union said
According to AFGEs website, the union has 313,000 active due-paying members, and 700,000 represented workers that are Federal and D.C. government employees.