TalaTek, a risk management company, announced on Feb. 26 that it received a FedRAMP ATO from the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) for its Enterprise Compliance Management Solution (ECMS). This cloud-based SaaS allows PBGC to centralize security statistics in real time and see whether it complies with a variety of security frameworks, including NIST security frameworks.
“TalaTek ECMS reduces the resources and increases effectiveness required to achieve integrated risk management and compliance with FISMA, FedRAMP, and other security controls,” said Baan Alsinawi, president and founder of TalaTek.
The small business began its FedRAMP process in late January 2017, but had previously partnered with FedRAMP in a different capacity.
“As a FedRAMP authorized Cloud Service Provider and an A2LA certified FedRAMP 3PAO, we strongly believe in the FedRAMP mission to accelerate the adoption of secure cloud solutions through the consistent application of security practices,” said Alsinawi.
EmeSec served as TalaTek’s independent assessor, according to the FedRAMP website.