The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) have issued marching orders to Federal civilian agencies to plan their cybersecurity investments for fiscal year 2024 around several priority goals.
“Federal Civilian Executive Branch (FCEB) agencies will make investments in three cyber investment priority areas: Improving the Defense and Resilience of Government Networks; Deepening Cross-Sector Collaboration in Defense of Critical Infrastructure; and Strengthening the Foundations of Our Digitally-Enabled Future,” OMB and ONCD said in a memo to agencies.
The memo directs Federal civilian agencies to request what they need to meet the three goals, and says that OMB and ONCD will review agency submissions to identify any gaps that must be addressed before moving forward with agency budgeting.
The memo also addresses goals for agencies that are busy with moving to zero trust security architectures as directed by the Biden administration’s cybersecurity executive order issued last year.
“The Federal Zero Trust Strategy defines priority goals for agencies to achieve a consistent enterprise-wide baseline for cybersecurity grounded in principles of least privilege, minimizing attack surface, and designing protections around an assumption that agency perimeters should be considered compromised,” the memo states.