The National Science Foundation (NSF) is looking for Federal government agencies and U.S.-based industry partners to help create one or more public-private partnerships to help develop some new advances in advanced networking systems.
In a Dear Colleague Letter (DCL), NSF is looking to expand upon the developing amount of research going into the field of advanced networking systems, and is looking for partners to “co-design and jointly support research programs” toward that end.
“The programs are expected to fund collaborative fundamental research that transcends the traditional boundaries of individual disciplines to achieve the program goals,” said the agency.
The partnerships may include teams and investigators from institutions of higher education including community colleges from across the country.
Recent partnership efforts, NSF said, “have developed fundamental impacts and paved the way for network research at scale, on topics including resilient network design.”
Although past partnerships have developed key communication technology, there is “still demand for faster communications,” according to the agency.
Some of technologies that the partnership is hoping to expand upon include creating better integration of “wired and wireless research communities,” as well as developing the next generation of machine learning technology.
“We expect that the outcomes from the research projects and their products supported by these partnerships will fuel economic growth, improve national security, and result in products and services that will transform the everyday lives of people across the Nation and around the world,” NSF said.
NSF wants to hear from interesting parties by May 15.