The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is seeking out new cloud services to help it meet its 2022 goal to transition to a full electronic recordkeeping environment.

In a Jan. 30 request for information (RFI), NARA explains that the Office of Management and Budget’s June 2019 Memorandum M-19-21 requires the agency to transition to electronic recordkeeping. A new cloud environment to host the records is imperative to this goal.

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“NARA requires more flexibility and efficiency in acquiring and delivering its cloud services to end users, including new services as they become available through cloud service providers (CSP),” the RFI states. “Other agencies transferring records to NARA could be transferring them from any cloud hosting environment and NARA needs to be prepared for ensuring efficient transfer of records into its legal and logical custody.”

NARA hopes to replace its current enterprise cloud contract with a multi- or single-cloud service provider that includes Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) capabilities. The agency will use responses to the RFI to better inform its market research and acquisition strategy for the new cloud.

Responses to the RFI should be submitted by Feb. 20.

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Katie Malone
Katie Malone is a MeriTalk Staff Reporter covering the intersection of government and technology.