MeriTalk today announced the launch of its FITARA Dashboard, a publicly-viewable resource that brings the latest congressional scoring of Federal agency information technology modernization progress into clearer focus, and provides analytical tools to perform detailed comparisons of how 24 major Federal agencies have achieved progress toward their goals over the past three years.

The dashboard provides a graphical summary of the House Oversight and Reform Committee’s IT scorecard based on the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA). The interactive platform, underwritten by Dell EMC, breaks down agencies’ Scorecard 7.0 grades released in December 2018 and allows users to compare against past reports and other agencies to easily track progress.

In addition to FITARA scoring data, the dashboard provides a breakdown of the committee’s scoring methodologies for each of the seven main categories: Agency CIO Authority Enhancements, Enhanced Transparency and Improved Risk Management, Portfolio Review, Federal Data Center Optimization Initiative, Software Licensing, Modernizing Government Technology Act, and Cyber. The methodologies provide CIOs with a transparent view of the scoring process–strengthening the relationship between agencies and the Hill.

“The FITARA scores are the pinnacle of IT modernization for Federal CIOs. We made the complex report easier to understand, compare, and analyze so agencies can gain more insight from the past in order to map a strategy for the future,” explained Steve O’Keeffe, founder, MeriTalk.

MeriTalk is hosting the FITARA Awards & Forum on February 6, 2019 in partnership with Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., the co-author of the FITARA legislation. The second semi-annual awards ceremony will recognize the agencies ranking at the top of the class on the most recent scorecard. In addition to recognizing top-scoring agencies, the program will feature a demo of the FITARA Dashboard.

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Kate Polit
Kate Polit
Kate Polit is MeriTalk's Assistant Copy & Production Editor covering the intersection of government and technology.