As the whirlwind of 2024 gives over to the promise of 2025, it’s time to give thanks and recognition to some of the Federal government’s very top technology talent at MeriTalk’s Tech Tonic on Dec. 19 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Morton’s the Steakhouse in Washington, D.C.
We’re going to be honoring officials from no less than 17 major Federal agencies with FITARA Awards for all of their hard work that went into achieving unprecedented gains on the latest FITARA Scorecard that measures agency progress in key tech categories – check the FITARA Dashboard to see how they did it.
Who’s on the guest list for Tech Tonic on Dec. 19? Take a sneak peek, but think all of the top tech teams from State, DHS, Treasury, NSF, Labor, Energy, Transportation, NASA, Interior, Education, OPM, Commerce, SSA, EPA, Justice, Agriculture, and HHS.
All we need now is you to join us at Tech Tonic for the happiest hour in Federal IT on Dec. 19 in D.C. The Go Button is a click away.