As Federal Deputy CIO Maria Roat steps down as president of the American Council for Technology (ACT), starting July 1 Internal Revenue Service Deputy Chief Procurement Officer Harrison Smith has been selected to fill the role, ACT-IAC announced June 30.
Department of Agriculture CIO Gary Washington is next in line to become president of the ACT Executive Committee following one term as executive vice president starting tomorrow. Steve Krauss, director of category management strategic executive at the General Services Administration, will be joining the committee as vice president at large. CIO of the City of Dallas, Texas Bill Zielinski is leaving his former post as vice president at large to transition to state-local liaison.
Former Federal Deputy CIO Margie Graves, now at MHGraves Consulting, transitioned from the ACT Executive Committee to the organization’s industry side as executive vice chair of the Industry Advisory Council (IAC) Executive Committee. Graves will move up to IAC Chair in July 2021.