The House plans to vote Tuesday, March 9 on the version of the American Rescue Plan Act approved by the Senate over the weekend, setting the stage for the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill to become law with President Biden’s signature later this week.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., announced plans to for the House to take up the measure, with the House expected to open consideration of the bill on Monday afternoon. The bill features $2 billion of reinforcements for the Technology Modernization Fund and other tech priorities.
“The House now hopes to have a bipartisan vote on this life-saving legislation and urges Republicans to join us in recognition of the devastating reality of this vicious virus and economic crisis and of the need for decisive action,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Ca., said March 6.
The House passed a version of the bill Feb. 27, that included no money for the tech priorities Biden listen in a January proposal, by a 219-212 vote with two Democrats dissenting. The bill needs just a simple majority to pass the House under reconciliation rules.