The General Services Administration (GSA) announced today that it has completed the integration of and will serve as the system used to register to do business with the Federal government, search for contract opportunities, and find wage determinations, among other services.
GSA says the integration “supports economic recovery” because it makes the process of doing business with the Federal government easier for small businesses. Additionally, GSA says it streamlines the process by bringing together content previously housed in two separate sites into Today’s announced update also includes updates to site security, design, and functionality.
“Today marks a significant step forward in our ability to deliver to our users a unified system that enables them to more easily do their jobs and the work of the Federal government,” said Judith Zawatsky, GSA’s assistant commissioner who oversees the Integrated Award Environment. “What you see in the new today isn’t the end of the story; rather the beginning. We’ve laid the groundwork to continue making updates to what we’ve already built and to bring you new capabilities in the future.”
In a statement, GSA said the website changes are based on multiple user focus groups, which GSA used to determine stakeholder needs and review user feedback. The agency also received more than 35,000 comments from users.
“We continue to make great strides with many [Federal Acquisition Service] systems regarding security, ease-of-use, and reducing burden for our customers,” said Federal Acquisition Service Commissioner Sonny Hashmi. “The launch of the new today is another step toward all of those goals, with President Biden’s recent Executive Order on cybersecurity foundational to our efforts.”
The improvements and new functionalities include:
- A single sign-on across multiple applications and data sets;
- Centralized workspace to manage work;
- Improved security;
- Stronger search functionality;
- Enhanced homepage design; and
- Display of the Unique Entity Identifier.