Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai announced appointments to serve on three working groups of the agency’s Advisory Committee on Diversity and Digital Empowerment (ACDDE) on Feb. 19.
The three working groups – Access to Capital, Digital Empowerment and Inclusion, and Diversity in the Tech Sector – aid the ACDDE in carrying out its mission to “provide recommendations to the FCC on how to empower disadvantaged communities and accelerate the entry of small businesses, including those owned by women and minorities, into the media, digital news and information, and audio and video programming industries.” They also provide “recommendations regarding how to ensure that disadvantaged communities are not denied the wide range of opportunities made possible by next-generation networks.”
Anna M. Gomez, partner at the law firm Wiley Rein LLP, will serve as chair of the ACDDE, and Heather Gate, director of Digital Inclusion at Connected Nation, will serve as the committee’s vice chair.
For the Access to Capital working group, Pai appointed to Milton Clipper, founder of Clipper and Company, representing America’s Public Television Stations; Garret Komjathy, senior vice president of the Media Communications Division at US Bank; and Aama Nahuja, legal counsel at A Wonder Media Company. Pai appointed Rosa Mendoza Dávila, founder, president, & CEO of ALLvanza; and Dr. Fallon Wilson, executive director at Black Tech Mecca to the Diversity in the Tech Sector working group. For the Digital Empowerment and Inclusion, Pai appointed Felicia West, policy advisor for the Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia.