In the effort to better support the nation’s troops, the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) is planning to focus more on small business partnerships.
“We believe that when DISA partners with small businesses, it helps the economy grow,” said DISA Infrastructure Executive Jessie Showers. “I love [having] the opportunity to interact with industry to help explain what DISA is trying to do for DoD and how we serve the greater Federal government.”
DISA recently hosted a forum designed to educate small business representatives about the latest trends and challenges facing the Department of Defense. They said they continue to work with small businesses and the larger industry in effort to meet the demand for technology at pace with current and future generations of military personnel.
Showers also stated that DISA is looking at how to leverage current and future capabilities in order to provide agile, dependable, and secure services to the troops and small businesses.
For more information on the work DISA does with small businesses, check out DISA’s Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP).