Cricket is the planet’s second largest sport – and the world’s game is catching fire in the United States – so it’s long past time to get in the groove with the 2.5 billion fans worldwide who already take it to heart.
For the old pros and the new crop of converts in the government IT community, MeriTalk is proud to host the annual Government and Industry CIO Cricket Match on Friday, September 13 from 12 to 6 p.m. in Alexandria, Va., on the regulation pitch at Bellapais-on-the-Potomac.
The rules of the match are designed for players of all skill levels (including first-timers) who will bowl and bat for fame and glory, and to benefit the USO.
Teams from government agencies, including DHS, AFRL, CBP, SSA, and more – too many players to name but sneak peek it here – and the private sector are already assembling, and there is always room for more.
We’ll have chuckers, chin music, more than one googly, nurdles, and zooters – and a darn good time to support a great cause.
To learn more and secure an invitation, or if you are interested in sponsoring the event, please drop us a line at