CIOs Converge on FITARA Forum to Discuss Grading Process With Suzette Kent, Federal CIO, GAO
Since it became law in 2014, FITARA’s dished out tough love for Federal CIOs–and the 6.0 report card wasn’t one you’d want to take home to your CIO parents. That’s why FITARA is front and center in every Federal CIO’s mind–but, the motto for FITARA should not be “the beatings will continue until morale improves.” So MeriTalk is working with the FITARA Awards chairman, Congressman Gerry Connolly, D-Va., the author of the FITARA legislation, to recognize the agencies that topped the class on FITARA and provide a venue for discussing the merits and challenges with the grading process.
The awards program will recognize GSA and Education for the best overall FITARA grades. But, it’s not just about the agencies that did best overall–there are success stories nested in the FITARA scorecard. That’s why the program will recognize agencies that aced the test in Data Center Optimization–Connolly will recognize Education, GSA, HUD, and NSF.
But, after we clear the confetti from the stage, the program gets even more interesting–as we roll into the FITARA Forum. This constructive and interactive session will feature Suzette Kent, Federal CIO, and a representative from GAO–the organization that creates the FITARA Scorecard for the Hill. They’ll kick us off with a review of the FITARA grading process and a gallop through the history of the program. Then, we’ll open the floor for questions and input from the audience. And, you bet, most every Federal CIO will attend–because they’re all focused on how they can score higher FITARA grades. What better group to provide recommendations on what’s right and what can be improved in the FITARA grading methodology?
If you’re looking for an all-star CIO session–and to hear directly from leaders about the direction of Federal IT management, this is a must-attend program. Yes, FITARA is a love-hate relationship for Federal CIOs–but every CIO has a dog in the fight. Space is limited–register today.