The U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) Office of Information and Technology (OIT) is requesting information on market research related to developing an acquisition strategy to acquire services from commercial cloud service providers. CBP attached a Statement of Objectives (SOO) to its request for information (RFI), and said it is attempting to determine “contractor interest” in providing the service.
In looking for a cloud service provider, CBP OIT wants to modernize and innovate how its software and data capabilities are built, deployed, and managed. The RFI comes as a further step to achieving the third goal in the CBP Commissioners Strategy for 2020-2025, which is to “invest in technology and partnerships to confront emerging threats.” The goal also calls for investing in IT infrastructure while providing fast and reliable access to that infrastructure in order to streamline CBP work.
“The objective is to acquire cloud-computing services directly from commercial cloud service providers with established records for innovation and operational excellence in cloud service delivery for a large customer base,” the SOO reads. CBP’s objectives in this endeavor include technical parity, interoperability/portability, operational excellence, service pricing parity, superior contract management, security, and “Bring-Your-Own-License.”
CBP said that if it decides to follow up with a Request for Proposal, the period performance would have a base ordering period of one year and include a minimum of four, one-year option ordering periods. Responses to the RFI are due August 1.