On March 29, 2012, the Obama administration announced the “Big Data Research and Development Initiative” to make the most of the quickly growing amount of digital data in the Federal government. Six Federal departments and agencies announced more than $200 million in new commitments to programs that are dedicated to harnessing the power of big data to kick off the initiative. […]

Highlights of Federal programs that address the challenges and opportunities of big data. […]

In May 2013, the Office of Management and Budget released this memorandum requiring agencies to comply with data collection and management standards that encourage transparency, accessibility, and interoperability. […]

Small businesses have been critical in powering America through the greatest transformation of our economy since the Industrial Revolution. Nearly two-thirds of the jobs created during our recovery have been generated by startups and small enterprises. […]

Network security is top-of-mind across government IT, yet one vulnerability is often overlooked: the domain name system. […]

The majority of organisations know that data exploration and analysis can offer up many real benefits. […]

A new report published last week by the Federal Trade Commission on the use of big data is relevant to the agency’s stance on how such information should be handled with regard to healthcare, according to health attorney David Harlow. […]

In this blog, Joyce Hunter, deputy CIO for policy and planning, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), discusses the importance of real-time access to information before, during, and after a disaster, highlighting the 2014 USDA Open Data submission focused on Disaster Relief data. […]

IT initiatives promise to drive cost savings, but most agencies are leaving money on the table. Our study, “Show Me the Money: The Key to Doubling Agency Savings,” examines how to close the savings gap: https://meritalk.com/fedsaver […]

Insider threats are not only limited to cyber attacks; malicious actions, or human errors within an organization can happen within any given industry. Organizations need agility to deal with new and unanticipated data and activities to stay ahead and respond to suspicious behavior across all their systems – during a time when best practices for insider threat mitigation are still emerging. Too often organizations notice wrongdoings long after the damage is already done. […]

Data.gov, managed by the General Services Administration, is an open source website offering Federal, state, and local data, tools, and resources. […]

President Obama signed P.L. 113-101, known as the DATA Act, on May 9, 2014. The DATA Act requires that Federal spending information be standardized and published online. […]